Since Jessica is his wife, he says he will always stand by her side no matter what she decides. But he thinks the doctor is wrong and that the birth will have negative consequences for both. The husband and wife are undocumented foreign nationals on the verge of becoming economically independent of their families. The child’s well-being and the family’s finances will suffer if it is born. Maria is the aunt to Jessica, and she is pro-life, supported by sentient and human properties. She thinks that the person is entitled to survive as it is God’s intention for the infant to be born without arms and with Down’s syndrome.  In addition to urging her sister to act morally, she includes relational qualities by urging her to think about the duty that comes with being a mother.

Theories Being Used

The case study reveals various actors’ perspectives on the fetus’ moral standing. A close examination of the case study reveals three distinct functions of the fetus. The fetus is not considered a whole person from the liberal viewpoint. The fetus is human in every way except that it cannot yet be regarded as a whole person. Abortion would be legal if held by liberals since, in their opinion, fetuses do not have the same moral stature as adults. Dr. Wilson agrees with this denial of the fetal person’s humanity. Concerning Jessica’s health, he feels obligated to suggest that she think about having an abortion.

Marco agrees with Dr. William that a fetus has a moral standing similar to that of a liberal adult. He is even getting ready to suggest that Jessica have an abortion. In contrast, Maria sees the fetus in an entirely different light. She thinks the unborn baby should be given the same rights as an adult. She thinks of the unborn child as a divine image and considers it our duty to protect them. But Jessica has a more nuanced stance on this issue. To ensure her own safety, she is debating whether to abort the fetus she is currently carrying. Concerning the unborn child, she has conflicting beliefs that range from liberalism to conservatism.

Theory Influence on Each of Their Recommendations for Action

The ethical framework utilized by Dr. Wilson, Jessica, Maria, and Marco. Dr. Williams appears to be constrained by the principles of deontology. The theory is connected to the ethics required by service. As a medical expert, he feels obligated to inform Jessica about the fetal abnormalities he has discovered. He considers it his professional responsibility to inform Jessica that the child cannot fully develop and that she should consider having an abortion to prevent further issues.

With the consequentialist moral theory, you weigh the pros and cons of your actions based on their outcomes (Lewis & Richardson, 2020). Marco urged Jessica to have an abortion because he thought it was in the best interests of the family as a whole. If the fetus is permitted to be born, the family’s financial and social stability will be at risk. On the other hand, spiritual Jessica thinks that people have a need to defend the lives of all sentient creatures and that abortion should not be an option. Maria, too, is morally bound by her spiritual beliefs. So, she tells Jessica to give in to God’s will and let the baby be born.

The Theory I Agree With

The more reasonable hypothesis is the one to choose while forming one’s convictions. In my opinion, we can’t save the fetus without considering both the Christian and human perspectives. The fetus has the potential to become a fully formed human being if given enough time. Aborting the fetus might be immoral (Tracy, 2020). In a unique situation like Jessica’s, it could be considered immoral to enable the fetus to be delivered and understand perfectly well that it will not survive. We must not permit this to happen. Even though it is not supported by conservative doctrine, this is a scenario where abortion is necessary.

My opinion and the theory both point to the need to maintain a middle ground. It is unacceptable to take a strong stance on either the left or the right. My situation requires a decision to be made immediately, so it’s important to me that the conclusion be grounded in the facts as they currently stand. Therefore, Jessica should think about having an abortion to avoid the consequences of trying to have a child. She may, however, contemplate having another baby, which would help her become a better mother overall. This will ultima

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